Since the 2020s, companies have faced unprecedented supply chain disruptions. An extract of the most important events with supply chain risks for your company:


  • Have you taken precautions in your company to reduce future risks of renewed supply chain disruptions?
  • Do you have visibility of which products or components in your organisation are at particularly high risk of a shortage in the next crisis?
  • SECOR has found that many companies focus on reporting but have rarely made fundamental changes.
The SECOR tools help you to do this efficiently and according to your needs with Software as a Service (SaaS). The SECOR SEARCH search engine for commodity semiconductors is free of charge for you.


Together with Hetzner, SECOR PLATFORM creates a privately organised ecosystem with European data law. Depending on your company-specific environment, SECOR offers standardised and therefore efficient IT solutions, the SECOR Tools. All tools are networked and build on each other. The basic filling of the SECOR DATABASE is carried out once from your ERP system as an import of your product data (parts lists if applicable). Your data in the SECOR DATABASE is only visible to you and is stored securely.


In developing the SECOR PLATFORM, SECOR was inspired by Data Spaces, the basis for Gaia-X and Catena-X. During the semiconductor crisis (2021-23), SECOR developed solutions together with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The guiding question was always:

  • What does a company need that has not yet made much progress in semiconductor management?
  • The result is a RESILIENCE toolbox for the supply chain that is also helpful for an OEM or a Tier 1 with more than 100,000 employees as well as for SMEs with fewer than 100 employees.
  • SECOR filed a patent application with the development roadmap at the beginning of 2023.

SECOR PLATFORM uses non-standardised data available on the Internet from the various semiconductor manufacturers, such as technical data sheets for commodity semiconductors, and makes them available to all companies in a standardised form.